Sunday, October 01, 2006

Foul-Weather Friends

So tell me how on earth that happened!

How did we think the boy with an opinion on everything didn't care about us? Why did we pull that trick in the spring in and the autumn? It was warm during the summer! What are we up to and why and how and where is it going?

I have the faintest idea I've always had the foggiest notion. This is about my third time rewriting this post. Have I got it right yet? It was sexy and tender. Do you know what I mean? Can you imagine it at least? I'm not asking because I want to know, I'm asking because I want to find out. You dig me? Really?

I know how it used to feel: immature. It still has its nubile moments. We're young. What we haven't figured out by now doesn't matter to us yet. That's so sweet.

How are we such friends? Especially through all that and after everything? Tell me how we managed it.

I think you have to be young and hopeful to do that.

My dear, you've been used
I'm breaking the news
Well, love nearly beat us
I'm thinking like you
Well, I'm thinking of you
Well, love follows near us
Can love really steer us?
Oh, can't it be true?
Oh, can it be true?

- Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Dudley"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you may thank me for the title. What a concept!

October 01, 2006 9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh (shrugs)

October 02, 2006 9:29 PM  
Blogger Danka said...

oh man, me knows what confusion feels like... that certainly sounds like it. Well lemme tell you, you're not the only one feeling like that. I <3 you, you'll figure it out.

October 04, 2006 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know when le fuck you check dees sheet, but what i need from you anna, if you do really love me, (as i know you do) is to download supersexy woman, by sufjan and put it on that disk you're making me, because i need that song desparately, i do not have my own copy of a sun came! and i need your help

Love Always,
Alexadner III

October 05, 2006 7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna Anna Anna, it's been over a week.

Shame on you.

October 09, 2006 10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



October 10, 2006 8:24 PM  

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