Wednesday, December 26, 2007

C'mon Eat Your Covers

The world's shrunk horizontal, into empty endless high times. I take happiness so throughly as to never leave myself anything to say. I'm a bundle of nerves and a parody of rationality. It exposes my fear, caution, and artifice. If you can love the self-restraint of shallowness, the early-spoiled secrets, the semblance of single-mindedness, the self-conscious shut-in, all's more to you, sweetheart.

This instant connection is faster than the gravity, paranoia, and orders holding me by the way it goes. I can't wait for it all to be new tradition, old hat and I hope it takes us as damned long to fall apart as we took putting it together.
My baby loves me, I'm so happy
Happy makes me a modern girl
Took my money and bought a TV
TV brings me closer to the world

My whole life
Looked like a picture of a sunny day
My whole life
Was like a picture of a sunny day

- Sleater-Kinney, "Modern Girl"


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