It's been one of those weekends in which I sit around in my pajamas and go hunting for indie bands and can't seem to write anything good at all. I've considered my knack for falling for punks, emo boys, and gay guys. I really don't know why. I've considered what a strange little kid I was - the marriage between the my dollhouse people was breaking up because Dad had a drinking problem. I've reflected that math, like other people's self-injury problems and the Pussycat Dolls, is just something that I can't fix. I've thought about my loathing of bathing suits and my love of salsa and flamenco dresses.
I've considered my love of new notebooks, and my total inability to come up with anything to write in them. I never come up with start-to-finish story plots, but I can't write without them. My drawing talent is sporadic. I'm not a great poet. I'm a terrible songwriter. I can't write about myself, because that's what my blog is for. I can't write about boys, because I'll have to tear up the pages into confetti later.
Confetti, that's what I'm like right now. Boring in small pieces, but altogether pretty cool. By tomorrow, I'll be vacuumed, recycled, and repackaged.
It seems to me that you are someone who doesn't ride the stereotypical road...and that is fine. As a matter of fact, that it fabulous. I also think of flamenco dresses.
"I've considered my love of new notebooks, and my total inability to come up with anything to write in them..."
I can't help buying notebooks. Bought one that I carry around, to take notes on all the funny things people say... Bought a sketching one for my sporadic drawings... Bought one for my poems and song lyrics (I too am a terrible songwriter with a pet hate of re-reading the lyrics the morning after realising they now seem worse than 2am the night before when you wrote them) as for the girls... well... they write to me and I write to them, I write nothing down on paper regarding such matters as they end up as holepunch or scissor fodder.
Jeez. That last line was pretty deep. You kinda were an "all-over-the-place-kind-of-girl" on the trip, but that was what made you so special. You made us all laugh and have fun. Especially rolling down the hill at Fort George...*remembers movie & laughs evilly* Notebooks are cool. I wish I had a new one for my World Studies, rather then the old one I used last year for Language Arts. Oh, did you get the letter from Megan about a reunion of sorts over the Spring break? Maybe up here in Chitown. That would be awesome!
Keep cool! Love ya!
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