Don't Worry
"Alex, where the hell are we going?"
Risky crosswalks and an alley after electrical workers are glancing at us as we climb a fire escape. It's a nice fire escape, bronzy and not rusty, and we go up three stories. At the top of the fire escape is a silvery ladder with a skinny round rungs. He doesn't ask me to follow; he hoists his bag over his neck and climbs up out of sight.
I pause. If I left, how long would it take him to notice?
That thought didn't occur. I stash my purse in my satchel, hoist it up, and climb. The tops of ladders are awkward places, but I get onto the roof. It's like mine, flat and silver. I haven't been on my roof in ages. There's little funnier than waking up to the sritchy stomping of feet overhead. That thought didn't occur either. I'm not thinking of anybody who might be below us. We're the only people listening to this roof.
He sits contemplatively, still yards away but now so within my reach. The sun's warm if you're really feeling for it. Imagine it. The world's empty because you're above it all. Time stops when I cross the gutter. How long has it been since I was in love on a sunny day? What I'm thinking of are so many other moments that have made the universe improbable. Last weekend, jumping off the train. Years ago, jumping fences with don't-you-know-who. Don't you know, I've jumped it all.
I give him three weeks; he gave me three days. For all that I'll trust him anyway. Eat your heart out. I'm delighted. (Evil's disgusted.) On top of a ceiling, what a place.

Risky crosswalks and an alley after electrical workers are glancing at us as we climb a fire escape. It's a nice fire escape, bronzy and not rusty, and we go up three stories. At the top of the fire escape is a silvery ladder with a skinny round rungs. He doesn't ask me to follow; he hoists his bag over his neck and climbs up out of sight.
I pause. If I left, how long would it take him to notice?
That thought didn't occur. I stash my purse in my satchel, hoist it up, and climb. The tops of ladders are awkward places, but I get onto the roof. It's like mine, flat and silver. I haven't been on my roof in ages. There's little funnier than waking up to the sritchy stomping of feet overhead. That thought didn't occur either. I'm not thinking of anybody who might be below us. We're the only people listening to this roof.
He sits contemplatively, still yards away but now so within my reach. The sun's warm if you're really feeling for it. Imagine it. The world's empty because you're above it all. Time stops when I cross the gutter. How long has it been since I was in love on a sunny day? What I'm thinking of are so many other moments that have made the universe improbable. Last weekend, jumping off the train. Years ago, jumping fences with don't-you-know-who. Don't you know, I've jumped it all.
I give him three weeks; he gave me three days. For all that I'll trust him anyway. Eat your heart out. I'm delighted. (Evil's disgusted.) On top of a ceiling, what a place.
Time without you drags me down,
It all feels right with you around,
It all feels light with you around
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Let Me Know"